
High-quality newsprint recognised for its excellent printability and runability characteristics. Suitable for the CSWO technology.
Nornews (Norske Skog Bruck, Austria)
Newsprint available in basis weight: 40; 42.5; 45 and 48.8 gsm.
End use: newspaper, directories, supplements, inserts, flyers
Printing method: CSWO, Flexo
Link to the product and certificates
Link to Norske Skog Bruck – the producer
Nornews (Norske Skog Golbey, France)
Newsprint available in basis weight: 38; 40; 42 and 45 gsm.
End use: newspaper, directories, inserts, flyers
Printing method: CSWO, Flexo
Link to the product and certificates
Link to Norske Skog Golbey – the producer
Nornews (Norske Skog Skogn, Norway)
Newsprint available in basis weight: 40; 42,5 a 45 gsm.
End use: newspaper, directories, inserts, flyers
Printing method: CSWO, Flexo
Link to the product and certificates
Link to Norske Skog Skogn- the producer