On the occasion of a new product launch at the beginning of June 2019, Ing. Josef Doležal visited one of the largest paper mills in Europe: Norske Skog Saugbrugs.
Travel was the destination
And he didn’t go alone. He took Tomáš Hrubý from Vltava Labe Media Praha and Martin Stanecký from the Slovak publishing house News&Media Holding Bratislava. The aim of the travel was to introduce the operation of the paper mill focused on SC newsprint. Its products are very innovative and customers praise it mainly for its high quality, flawless printability, and the possibility to reduce the basis weight of the newsprint with respect to the technical parameters of the paper, especially their increased density. This is the case of newsprint NorSC Lite (so called SCA newsprint) and NorSC Value (alternative to classic SCB newsprint).
New product launched
One of the reasons for the trip was the launch of the NorSC Polar newsprint, which broadened the aforementioned portfolio of the highest quality products. NorSC Polar is ideal for printing any publications that are to look ever more luxurious.
Eco-friendly production
When visiting the paper mill, it wasn’t only newsprint that Josef Doležal found interesting – he was impressed by the concept of the paper mill itself. It is situated in Halden, a city located directly at the mouth of a Norwegian fjord and on the borderline between Norway and Sweden. Despite the fact that the paper mill annually produces 550,000 tonnes of paper, it causes no adverse effects to the surrounding countryside. On the contrary.
“There is a counter of migrating salmons directly on the premises of the paper mill. Inspections of the counter indicate that the population of wild salmon is growing. Water quality measurements carried out repeatedly also indicate that water used from the fjord is put back in place at the end of the production process at an even cleaner state than before its use,“ explains Josef Doležal.